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Web Hosting

Starting at:


  • Unlimited Domains
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • One Click Installs Scripts

VPS Hosting

Starting at:


  • Unlimited Domains
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • One Click Installs Scripts

Dedicated Server

Starting at:


  • Unlimited Domains
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • One Click Installs Scripts

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Zazy Guarantees

Money-Back Guarantee

Not satisfied with our service? We have a 7 day money back guarantee so there’s no reason not to try us.

24/7 Live Support

Call us, initiate a live chat or drop an email. Our in-house support team will fix all your hosting related issues. Our expert is always standby

Cloud Technology

Our top-most priority is the availability of your website. Our Tier-3 and Tier-4 data centres enable us to provide you with the best uptime. Benefit from a massive 99.9% uptime.

Fast SSD Servers

Our servers are powered by SSD drives and it’s 20x faster than spinning drives. Websites hosted on SSD servers loads 20x faster than websites hosted on traditional hard disk drives.

Welcome to the

Zazy Company

Choosing the best shared hosting could be a difficult task. A good shared hosting can manage your website load and data with a minimum downtime. It is quite important for a business to choose the best one with fast secured servers and good support. As we know, nothing is perfect in this world but comparatively some hosting companies have proven that they are the best. On the list of those companies, Zazy Host is number 1

“Our goal” is to unlock the power of the internet with web hosting that encourages creativity, growth, and learning.

Hosting Features

Everything That You Need To Host And Manage Your Website Is Available

Client Testimonials

Beast let be may days creature, fly abundantly fish saw. Appear cattle hath sea divided waters very good signs gathering behold itself won’t living land void subdue

Fergus Doucheb
